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How to Cope With a Spinal Injury

A spine injury can put your life on hold for some time. Aside from adhering to the treatment plan your healthcare provider has put in place for your recovery, you likely have many other responsibilities to which you must attend. A few examples include communicating with your employer, keeping track of your finances, and dealing with insurance companies.

The side effects of an injury to your spine or spinal cord can be debilitating. Thankfully, there are several treatment options available for victims of spinal trauma. Back pain and neck pain are highly prevalent, and therefore, your pain management and rehabilitation options are abundant.

See a spine trauma specialist.

Nothing can replace the professional medical opinion of a seasoned healthcare provider. Every patient deserves to have access to a rehabilitation team that can help them develop an effective treatment plan. Additionally, your healthcare providers should be able to answer any questions that may arise along the way. Spinal injuries vary in nature and severity. Identifying your needs is a straightforward process.

Whether you suffer from fractures, a deformity, or a chronic condition, your healthcare provider should be able to give you a referral. A doctor’s referral is essential for those who are using insurance to pay for their medical care. Additionally, a referral may be able to help you get an appointment sooner. Spine trauma experts will be able to evaluate your condition and provide you with the best possible care.

Consider supplemental treatment methods.

Often, a treatment plan consists of more than just conventional medical treatment. In recent years, alternative medicine practices like chiropractic care and massage therapy have become more commonplace in traditional medical settings. Infusion therapy has been used in traditional settings for years to administer medications that are non-effective orally.

However, this type of therapy has grown in popularity due to its wide applicability outside of conventional medicine. Many people may not be aware of the benefits infusion therapy has on chronic pain, specifically traumatic injury to the spine. Non-opiate intravenous infusions can be an excellent alternative to over-the-counter pain medication for some.

Infusion therapy is used for various ailments, including degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, and diabetic neuropathy. Spine injuries can be tremendously difficult to manage. Accordingly, many people find it challenging to avoid painkillers and surgical intervention. IV infusion therapy may address chronic inflammation and pain, therefore helping patients stay away from opiate pain medications and costly surgeries.

What types of treatment are used in IV infusion therapy?

Common types of IV infusion therapy for pain management include ketamine, clonidine, magnesium, and lidocaine. Ketamine is non-addictive in therapeutic doses and helps block excitatory transmission of pain pathways in the spinal cord. Clonidine is a receptor that reduces the unnecessary release of norepinephrine into your central nervous system.

Magnesium is an essential mineral and works similar to ketamine in that it helps stabilize nerve excitement that transmits pain. Lidocaine works to block neural cell channels, preventing the transmission of pain signals. In some cases, IV therapy is used for healthy hydration and recovery after overindulgence.

Accordingly, this type of IV therapy may only include vitamins B, and C. B vitamins are essential for nerve health. They can also help people who are suffering from nerve-related discomfort. Our bodies store vitamin C for release in response to cortisol, the stress hormone. Overproduction of cortisol can exacerbate pain, so replenishing Vitamin C levels may help combat those effects.

Before starting any new treatment plan, it is best to consult with your doctor. Even small changes to your treatment plan can have significant results. Expert care can help maximize your results and minimize your time on pain management techniques like physical therapy or chiropractic care. Entrusting your treatment plan to medical experts familiar with your condition can help you get back to the enjoyment of your life faster.

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