Going to therapy will provide you with an incredible outlet for your emotions and fears, but the relationship with your therapist is extremely important to your success. The right therapist will make you feel understood, heard, and accepted, and he or she will provide you with valuable tools that you can use every day. Here …
Greatest Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs
While many children get their first taste of what it’s like to run a business by selling lemonade at a makeshift stand or by going door-to-door in hopes of building a client roster for their lawn care business, by the time kids reach high school, there’s a whole new world of opportunities for business-minded youth. …
Protecting Yourself in a Connected World
The internet has transformed the world around us and the lives that we live. We have never been more connected to other people—yet, in some ways, the internet can feel isolating. It’s a complicated and brave new world that we live in, and it can be truly dangerous to those who fail to understand the …
A Parent’s Guide to Teen Depression: Helping Teens Cope With Cliques
Friendships are essential to child development. Socializing teaches children how to be independent of family and helps them prepare the foundation for developing healthy, trusting relationships in adulthood. Many children struggle during adolescence with their identity and understanding where they fit in. This struggle makes them vulnerable to bullying and cliques, which is psychologically damaging …